Mayans M.C. Season 4, Episode 9, "The Calling of Saint Matthew," Recap & Spoilers

In last week's episode of Mayans M. Season 4 Gentlemans Fury, the honorary motorcycle club launched a massive attack on Sons of Anarchy. In the process EZ Reyes kills the leader of the Yuma Maya Kanch. Elsewhere the increasingly unstable El Banquero told his sister Soledad that he was controlling the new generation Lobos Cartel. However, as the episode ended Mayans M. poked fun at a possible alliance between Miguel Galindo and Soledad. Here's a spoiler-filled recap of the Mayan MC. Season 4 Episode 9 The Call of Saint Matthew reveals what happens next.

Maya m. decide your future

The Calling of Saint Matthew begins with Miguel Galindo who has returned to California to buy Marcos Alvarez's a home. However, the Maya godfather jumps on the former leader of the Galindo cartel and points a gun at his head. Galindo tells Alvarez that he has an offer for him and although the godfather initially refuses the cartel leader blames him for talking. Elsewhere EZ is in his trailer with Sophia. He wants to tell her about his criminal activity because she deserves to know what she's getting into. However, she told him that there was nothing that could really bother her. Just then Jay Jay appeared outside the EZ trailer. Jay Jay expresses his love for his former prison brother and then reveals that he knows EZ hasn't actually been transferred. He's pretty sure EZ was working with the police. However, Jay Jay tells EZ that he needs money for his family and wants a job at the club. If EZ doesn't help Jay Jay will reveal what he did.

Later that day Soledad and Miguel who collaborated together met EZ and Alvarez. This leads to some tension between Miguel and EZ about their dark history. Miguel asks about Emily but EZ says he knows nothing. Soledad Miguel Alvarez and EZ tell that they want a new version of drug trafficking less violent and brutal. However, Soledad needs funding to make this happen so I asked Alvarez to transport three times the normal amount of medication. Alvarez says he needs time to think and Soledad explains that she will go to another gang even one like Sons of Anarchy if he doesn't agree. No matter what happens next it is clear that Soledad and Miguel are allied with El Banquero.

That night Alvarez brought Soledad and Miguels to show at the temple. While everyone is excited about the prospect of getting paid Alvarez says he will turn down the offer saying the sale of drugs has poisoned the club. He also expressed his desire to end the war with the Sons of Anarchy. However, the rest of the club members disagree and say they should end the conflict. Before Alvarez can close the matter he interrupts Taza to say Santo Padre is no longer his home and asks for permission to become a Bedouin making him a member of the club without laws. EZ encouraged him to leave saying he didn't want someone by his side that he didn't want to be. In the end, Alvarez agreed to Tazas request to become a nomad. After the meeting, EZ returns to his trailer to find his father Felipe Reyes waiting inside with a gun. Felipe takes the blame for EZs wrongdoing saying it's a reflection of him and his sins. Felipe soon changes the subject to EZ who killed Gaby. Then EZ grabs Phillipe's gun and puts it straight to his head daring his father to pull the trigger. Felipe ends up getting out of the trailer without firing at EZ.

Mayas M. Develops more relationships and kills the main character

Most of the subplots of The Calling of Saint Matthew focus on the main romantic relationships of MC Maya. Starting with Angel and Adelita the two tried to come up with a name for their son. Later Angel met the Nails and they made up for what happened between them to whom he apologized for his neglect. Ultimately the two settled on the name Maverick about the Top Gun franchise and child actor Maverick James. While this is happening Lincoln faces Potter Adelita at Angel's house. It tells the story of the murder of Anna Linares and her husband at the hands of Adelita to get her son back. However, in this version, Adelita did not participate in his death. This is for now the official outcome of the investigation into Linares's death. Potter makes it clear that there will be no further investigation into the matter as long as Adelita does him a favor. Adelita tries to refuse but Potter makes it clear that he has no other choice.

Bishop also sets up a new romance when he meets Maggie the woman from Alvarez's house. She calls him for being rude and cruel. The two eventually agreed to go on a date and seem to be enjoying their time together. Mayas M. He also reveals that Bishop is a poor thrower. There are also some scenes of Ray and Gilly's apparently nonromantic relationship. Gilly joins Ray's son and helps him change his bed showing him how to do it in the proper military manner. There's not much to interact with but it embodies my generation as a character. Also, Letty Cruz went to see Coco's body after he was killed by the Sons of Anarchy in Oakland. He then returns home with his traces to find that Coco Hopes girlfriend is gone. Letty checks Coco's stuff box. She breaks down crying when she finds a picture of her as a baby in her purse.

Finally, there's Emily Galindo. Emily's plot about Mayans M. Season 4 was a slow burn. However, in the last episode, she escaped her hiding place and went to see her son Cristobal and her sister Irene. Emily tells Irene to run away with Cristobal but her sister expresses reluctance to do so. However, Emily skips the plan with Erin and says some nice things to her. Then Emily went to a hotel before fleeing the country. From there he calls Irene who doesn't answer. Instead Luis a follower of Miguel Galindo was in her apartment and apparently killed her.

Mayas M. It reveals a great betrayal

And now high treason. At his apartment, the creeper's girlfriend Cody encounters a police officer who calls her by a different name. Cody is revealed to be an undercover cop with a history of wrongdoing. The other officer pressures Cody to get more information from the Creeper than they have so far especially referred to the ongoing war with Sons of Anarchy. In Cody's apartment after this event, the creeper delves into his background revealing that his mother was a drug sympathizer forcing him to learn how to cook a skill he later honed in prison. Cody asks if he's worried about going back to prison and the creeper starts divulging information that could lead to his arrest. Cody stops him and takes him to the bathroom. There she reveals what's really going on. Whatever happens next it won't be of any use to the Maya Cody the Creeper or anyone else. New episodes of Mayans M. air Tuesdays on FX.


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