The Vampire Diaries inscription teased in the finale of the Legacies series

Legacies are nearing the end of its series and the synopsis of the last episode hinted again that some Vampire Diaries favorites are back. Following speculation that Joseph Morgan will reprise his role as Klaus Mikkelson at the show's finale. A new trailer appears to confirm what fans have been waiting for. Welcome home Hope Daniel Rose Russell Lizzie Jenny Boyd MJ Quincy Foss Caleb Chris Lee Jed Ben Levine Cleo Omono Okoji and Alaric Matthew Davis reflect on the events and what's next for them The summary begins. Hope and Lizzie find solace in unexpected but welcome sources. Also starring Aria Chagassemi and Leo Howard. After Joseph shared a mysterious message on social media hinting at her participation in Goodbye Legacies many interpreted the summary to mean that Hope would somehow reunite with her father Klaus Mikkelson.

Video A Vampire Life with Laszlo What do we do in the shadows Special Effects Gizmodo

Meanwhile, Lizzie Saltzman is expected to see her surrogate mother Caroline Forbes for the last time. Shortly after news of Legacies cancellation broke creator Julie Plec promised fans that The CW had given her a chance to tie up any loose ends in the series finale. The season finales for both shows [Roswell and Legacies] have been carefully designed to double as the series finals Plec assured his followers earlier this month. In a specific nod to The Vampire Diaries Blake added that Brett Matthews and the writing team poured all kinds of love into it. There are some surprises for long-time TVDU fans that may amaze you he added.


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