Season 4 of 'Mayans MC': Can EZ recover after killing Gaby? Fans say no

FX fans continue to watch EZ Reyes progress during Mayan MCs fourth season. EZ has had a complicated and complicated history with the club over the years and Gabe's recent murder sparked his former love interest causing fans to worry about his trajectory. Will he be able to redeem himself after Gabe's death? That's what the fans think.

Who is Gabe in Mayans MC?

Gabe played a central character on Mayans MC until her death in season 4. EZ and Gaby began a relationship in season three but Gaby becomes concerned about the violence that EZs life has brought into their relationship. She struggled to stay near EZ to continue their romance or to leave EZ behind to attend nursing school. In the end, she decided to leave and end their relationship.

Unfortunately, Mayans MC Season 4 Episode 7 saw the end of Gaby. reported that the episode titled Conversation with the Mirror led to a hospital shooting at the club. Before the episode, Mayans M. had declared war on Sons of Anarchy due to Coco's death. They head to the University of California Davis Hospital where a shootout breaks out between the Maya and members of the Sons of Anarchy. Gabe works as a nurse in the hospital and sees Angel shoot her friend. Then Angel and EZ Gaby were taken away because they knew what I had seen. She tells EZ that she will report his crimes to the police but she also still loves him and knows he's really good on the inside. In the end, EZ shot him.

Can EZ Reyes redeem himself after Gabe's death? Many fans don't think so

Fans are concerned about the path EZ is taking after Gaby's death in Mayans MC Season 4 Episode 7. Will he be able to redeem himself after killing his ex-girlfriend or has he gone too far and established himself permanently with the Maya? History repeats itself one fan wrote on Reddit. Everyone got fooled because EZ was supposed to be the smart guy to go to college. … That's why we see his evolution as he is this season. That is what he always has been and now the cat is out of the bag. Another fan wrote I thought it was stupid how Gabby was killed. stiff straightening

Another fan wrote I was 100% happy he joined the Maya but he's gone too far now. Especially considering Gabe's threats to tell the police. However, the show could lose viewership if EZ continues down the wrong path. Another fan explained EZ went in like a mouse under false pretenses but admitted he loves MC. He had thought of leaving with Gabe but when I left he embraced him completely. He even told Angel it suits him he's good at it and everything comes so easily to him.

EZ and Emily getting back together?

Gabe is gone forever but what about EZ and Emily? The two were in a relationship before EZ served time in prison for eight years. Later they separated and Emily married. Now that Emily is no longer with her husband there's a chance the two can connect and establish a new relationship in Mayans MCs fourth season. Showrunner Elgin James spoke to Deadline about the possibility of that happening after Season 3. You know I think we have to explore the darkness and then I think it could be there he said. I really....a sad nihilism appeared. [laughs] And with nihilism I think there's beauty and hope in that too. That's what I tried to talk about with everyone [in season 3]. Mayans MC Season 4 breaths of air every Tuesday at 10 p.m. ET on foreign exchange.


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